When Women Collaborate: The End of Patriarchy

There is a seed within every woman for how it goes to build out a new culture. That seed will not hatch without the right soil. Patriarchy is a type of soil, it is a context in which to play out in. And it is not the context that will enable the seed within women to grow.

A context sourced in Radical Responsibility enables the seed to send its radicle deep, spurring the radical emergence of another culture, the next culture.

Radically Alive Women, is a gameworld that sources its context in Radical Responsibility. As such, seeds grow! Women become initiated, through which a new culture is birthed.

Women At War

Patriarchy survives when women stay at war with each other. When women give up on each other and turn against the innate urge to be with each other, patriarchy is the outcome.

There is no more time for this. This month something happened, the ripples of which nudged the Radically Alive Women gameworld into a new evolutionary stage.

Deeper Context

Deep beyond time, Women have moved together. Sharing information, resources, care, and the tasks and wisdom of life and death.

To move together means, seldom was a woman alone. She was with, constantly. Her power and deep wisdom was fostered and brought fully forth by being with other women. Women wove and held the community alive. Fostering bonds and staying in connection, with each other, the earth, rhythms, timing, men and children. There is a power in that. A deep wisdom and power that is far greater than any individual woman.

Alas, what happened?

A movement happened. Spurred by men, to convert the people to a religion, so that a game of hierarchy, control, fed by war and domination could happen. The bonds between women were such a threat to the success of the game that the women were hunted and killed.

Millions of women died.

For being women.

The devastation of this trauma runs like a siren through the veins of women today. That was patriarchy. Now that patriarchy has run its course, it is for us, dear women, to remember our way forward into a new way of being with each other and the earth.

Somewhere in your veins, that fear of your sister still runs like a shockwave through you. A deep intergenerational vow to not trust your sisters. To run the other way. To keep her small, to withhold your love from her. And deep within your Being lies a knowing of how it goes to collaborate with her. In collaboration with her the path is found to the unfolding of your Everything. In that, sisterhood is born, a new song is sung and a deep grounded power is breathed to life. Patriarchy can not continue, it falls devastatingly to its knees. And something else becomes possible.

Songwriters have captured this, to remind us: You are not crazy, a holocaust did happen. Now is your time to alchemise that to fuel the evolution of a cultural shift:

“In the cool of the evening they used to gather beneath the stars, in the meadow, circled near an old oak tree.

At the times appointed by the seasons of the earth and the phases of the moon.

In the centre often stood a woman, equal to the others and respected for her worth.

One of the many we call the witches, the healers and the teachers of the wisdom of the earth.

People grew in the knowledge she gave them, herbs to heal their bodies, spells to make their spirits whole…

There were those who came to power through domination, bonded in their worship of a dead man on the cross.

They sought control over all people, demanding allegiance to the church of Rome.

The pope commenced the inquisition — a war against women whose powers were feared.

In this holocaust, this century of evil, nine million European women died.

The tale is told of those who by the hundreds, holding hands together chose their deaths in the sea

Chanting… a refusal of betrayal, women were dying to be free.

Now the Earth is a witch, we still burn her, stripping her down with mining and the poison of our wars…” Burning Times.

broken image

The process of taking the roots of Patriarchy out is similar to pulling weeds from the earth.

A glimpse closer: The roots of patriarchy run deep into the underworld of women. Right now, Annika and Julia, bend and pull the real roots of convolvulus, jasmin, old man’s beard from the land upon which the three of us (Millicent, Julia, Annika) are currently living. Physically demonstrating the degree to which innocuous weeds hold true to the earth. The soil is hard and cracked under these weeds. The trees are suffocating under piles of tangled weeds. Just as patriarchy runs in veins throughout a woman’s underworld, leaving her dry and cracked, smothering her authentic aliveness under labels and rules. Desperately making sure her sister does not succeed, suffocating any signs of the emergence of something else, killing off any showings of genuine love, a heart’s reach of care, a “hello sister I am with you”.

As the days shorten and the sap is pulled deeper into the roots, as the gathering closer is happening, there is a call to journey deeper into our own underworld. It is in their underworld that women can disentangle themselves. Making space to find each other anew and it is there that the possibility of a totally new way of being can emerge.

In this new way of being, the wild force that is within you has space to breath again. Your seed can hatch, the radicle can at long last start to sink deep into fertile soil.

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